More than 3000 kms away from my motherland, tucked in my room as the dust storm grazes my window panes I ponder on the chaos my country is living in. The dark outrage that we are seeing around is heart-breaking. The same technology that is considered a life-saver is breaking the backbone of the unity of India. In the last couple of weeks, I see that social media is shoved with so much hatred. I wanted to fight it, I did.. I tried. But the hatred is so widespread and deep, that you just need to drown in it or flow with it. Let me make it clear. I am a Muslim and I want to help fight this deadly virus that has engulfed us. Before I progress towards the gigantic effort of disbanding the religion from this virus, let me say this out loud: - A human* spitting at another human is wrong. - A human* pelting stones at another is wrong. - A human* disrespecting another (in the 1000 possible ways) is wrong. - A group of humans* getting together INTENTIONALLY to cause the spread of virus...
Device : OnePlus 3T OS : RR Kernel : blu_spark Rooted : Yes I have been trying to get my battery life (SOT) to at least 4 hours but unable to do so. However, after 2 weeks of monitoring and analysis I'm at 5 hours SOT with 30% battery remaining. I have tried all the ROMS on xda both CM based and Oxygen based and the results were always the same 2.5 hours max SOT. I'm currently running RR ROM with bluspark kernel fastlane active. Here is what helped: - Installed WakeLock Detector and Better Battery Stats. - Monitor the logs on both for a couple of days, you will definitely see what is sucking the battery out of your phone. After a point, you would think everything is normal but still your battery is not great. (FYI - Facebook app must go. It was a huge battery sucker.) - I uninstalled a few apps which were draining the battery. Others I chose to keep. - At this point, I still had the same battery life. - Install greenify -> Greenify the apps and your batter...